5 Strategies for Keeping the Dream Alive
September 15, 2023
Let’s talk about those fabulous personal and business goals you set this year. Did you stop week one or are you still going strong?
Poor workouts can snowball and lead most to giving up. However, struggle is a part of life so here is an assembled list of methods you can try and utilize in keeping yourself accountable. Each one applies to business just as readily as to personal goals.
Checking in with a journal and a human
Nothing beats a written log when it comes to maintaining accountability. Well, except maybe an accountability partner. Telling someone you trust what you plan to do, and then following up with them, is a powerful motivator. Handing over your journal to this person is even more impactful because of the emotional (and time) effort it takes to put your heart on paper.
If there’s no one you feel comfortable asking to take on this role, technology could be a good plan B. There are plenty of great apps that track goals. Some even give you little gold star emoji’s when you do well. Sure, those digital trophies may feel like the epitome of a participation sticker, but they still manage to spike that serotonin.
Laying it all out the day before
Preparation is critical to follow through. Researching and brainstorming conversation possibilities before meeting with a client or prospect can lead to a conversation that is worthwhile and expands the thinking of all involved parties. Lists can also be very effective in keeping the focus on what you want to get done. Even setting out clothes for the next day has proven to do wonders for some with early morning productivity.
Telling procrastination to take a hike
Putting tasks off is a sure way to kill any ambition. Anytime the temptation to reschedule something pops into your brain, work to find extra reasons to keep that appointment. We’ve all told ourselves we’ll do that morning workout later in the day, and what happens? Lots of stuff, but never the workout.
Fitting the plan into real life
Baby steps are the best way to ensure a goal is achieved. If you want to run a 5k for the first time, set micro goals that allow you to ride the momentum of your small wins. And, be realistic. Can your schedule bend and flex to allow those baby steps to become toddler steps over time? Be sure to make every step matter. Celebrating a bit for small-step wins can keep you energized as well.
It’s also extremely helpful to calendar out a goal. Choose an event and work backwards. One other word of caution, however. Make sure you can actually make the big day. Don’t let the little things be what trips you up at the end.
Remembering the work
There’s a famous scene in Karate Kid with two kids facing each other in an intense match. The coach of one kid is yelling, “Finish him!” over and over. The coach of the other is encouraging the young competitor to remember all the hard work that’s preceded this moment. The child with the positive coach is the ultimate victor. It’s a scene that is inspirational, mainly because of the positivity, but also for the reflection.
Being mindful and in-the-moment is having something of a moment itself, but there’s a lot to be said about reflecting on the past. Actively, and yes, mindfully, calling to the frontal lobe what you have done to get to where you are today is a worthwhile exercise.
No doubt you are working toward several goals for this year and beyond. More than likely, there’s a financial component to those goals. Isn’t there always? If so, stop by any of the Bank Iowa locations to discuss your dream today. Let’s make it happen!